A downloadable soundtrack

This story is set in a fantasy kingdom, under the sacred Vaelen Star, which imbues the realm with magic, and offers protection from evil. It is rumored that the Vaelen Star grants wishes to the worthy and virtuous.

Vaelen Village - Main theme,  the opening scene takes place in the home village of our hero, a sleepy town under the perpetual shine of the Vaelen Star

Adventure Begins - Our hero embarks on a journey to find fallen fragments of the Vaelen Star, magical artifacts that hold not only useful powers, but the story to the hero's family history

Vaelen Castle - Our hero is invited to an audience at the castle, with the interim steward of the realm. (Vaelen has not had a king in generations, as no candidate has passed he test and been deemed worthy by the Vaelen Star). The castle theme plays when roaming through the resplendent castle halls.

Vaelen Woods - This is a large expanse of forests, bustling with jolly and playful magical creatures of all sorts. The magical lifeforms draw their vitality from the Vaelen Star.

Dark Tidings - The Sages have identified a corrupting force that seems to diminish the brightness and power of the Vaelen Star. As the people and magical creatures of Vaelen are struck by a strange illness and a host of other misfortunes, the Sages urge our hero to redouble his efforts to find the lost star fragments. Time is of the essence!

Vaelen Crown - Long story short, our hero succeeds in recovering the star fragments and restoring power to the Vaelen Strar. He gains the Star's blessing, and people of Vaelen name him king. This is the ending scene showing the the coronation and a realm restored to glory.

Soundcloud Link


vaelen_village.flac 5.4 MB
adventure_begins.flac 8.1 MB
vaelen_castle.flac 4.7 MB
vaelen_woods.flac 3.6 MB
dark_tidings.flac 5.8 MB
vaelen_crown.flac 15 MB

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